Friday, October 12, 2012

Yokohama: Chinatown

 Last Saterday I went to Yokohama, a city about an hour by train outside of Tokyo. The city is famous because it is the port town where Commander Perry landed in the 1850's.
This is a picture of a cannon dug up in the area, according to the plaque on the right,  when news of Perry's landing reach those in charged they ordered someone (don't remember his name) to well "fight back". The person gather all of Japan's newest weapons including some dutch cannons but when Commander Perry's forces arrived and the Japanese saw the large difference in power were ordered to bury the cannons. This is one of those cannons.
Here a picture found as part of the street, Perry's ship.
Now the story of my adventure, kidding.
I arrived at Yokohama assuming that Chinatown would around the area of that station, it wasn't. I didn't bring a map, either. Anyway I get to the station and wander outside for about twenty minutes until I decided to ask for direction at the information booth inside the station. I asked them about Chinatown, however they talked to fast so I tried telling them to slow down but they didn't understand. Therefore, I tried I trick that gets any native speaker to slow down, I tried to pronounce what they were saying. I finally understood that they were telling me to get on the metro, and which line. I get down there take the train down a couple of stops till I realize I don't know which stop to get off at so I ask for direction.    
Here is my first pic. outside of Chinatown.
A statue of Jesus. 
For some church, I think I didn't read the plague.
Anyway, on to Chinatown.

Chinatown in Yokohama is much like Chinatown of San Francisco except there is more food. So much more food. You can't swing a stuff cat without hitting a snack stall or a chinese restaurant. There is of course, shops for souvenirs. The thing for me is the food. However, the food is kinda expensive for me. A simple plate of potstickers goes for 500 yen to 800 yen. In dollars that is 6 to 10, for potstickers!!!!
Here are some pictures of around the town:

 The panda mouth is my favorite.

The area is definitely a major tourist spot. There was even a map of the many Chinese gates and even a chinese shrine, which I went to after figuring out the map. I say that because I can't read Japanese, sorry.

Sorry I don't know anything about the shrine but there were several people there praying.
After the shrine/temple, I wander around awhile until I decided to go home.
Going to Chinatown, if your in Tokyo is definitely worth the trip.

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