Monday, October 8, 2012

Kamakura: Main Shrine with Wedding Drums

When I went to Kamakura I had a guide which the CIEE program had provided. He told me about the meaning of the two ponds of the Shrine. He also showed us how to pray at the shrine. First you go to the shrine well and grap one of the ladles.

Scoop the water then pour it on your hands, to clean your hands, face and mouth.  After that, you tilt the ladle so that the remaining water will wash the handle for the next person.

 After you cleanse yourself you walk up the stairs to the main part of the shrine. Here our pictures of the outer area of the inner shrine but I was not allowed to take any pictures of the inside.

When you get inside, you first bow twice then clap your hands twice. After that you pray throw in your money-usually 100 yen- and finally bow once as thanks. I bought a charm and a fortune while was there. I got greatest luck, FYI.
Now the Wedding Drums part.
While I was at the shrine I saw a traditional wedding being held. I saw the girls in full traditional kimonos and even a shrine maiden.

I even saw the bride in her white kimono with her virginal white veil (seriously who came up. It has the same in both in the west and the east.) I didn't take any pictures though because she was walking with a groom while some priest watch. It gave the feeling it was a private moment that I shouldn't being taking pictures of. The rest of it was the show put on for the family.

Next is the Big Buddha Shrine. 

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